Well, I’ve listed my 3 favorite accessories to you over the last month:
1) Sunglasses
2) Rings -&-
3) Hats
So, I’ve covered my mania over sunglasses & rings in previous posts — now I have none other left to prove than my preoccupation with HATS! Yippie skippy! Nothing says “Angelika Frangelico’s roots are showing” like a good, gleeful hat. Yet, no matter how many weeks of re-growth I have going on up there atop the think tank, I simply love wearing them! Darling Hotbuns always talks about how he looks dreadful in hats and this positively pangs me — I would & could NOT make it! That would be like putting a vat of cookie dough in front of a preschool and telling them they had to have rice cakes for snack time, or parking a Suburban-sized kennel of kittens & puppies in front of my house and asking me not to rescue them all. No! Wait! It’s like having a catapult rigged up in the back of your truck right at the moment you have an Andy Dick celebrity siting…… at a stop sign…… with two passengers in ski masks! It would be an impossible life for me if I couldn’t wear hats. Impossible, I tell you — this is a world crisis we’re talking! Alert the FBI, CIA, all battalions, FEMA, my hairstylist! Seriously, though… They make me warm & gooey on the inside, like a Boston Cream donut. (I think my blood sugar may be low. Let us just pretend it is so as to explain my (*ahem* every day) behavior. #alwaysblameitonamedicalcondition)
These photographs are all I could find in my archives pertaining to my hat fetish. Next time I will be better prepared and flop them all on Hettie Head (<– this is her modeling some marvelous mustache specs at the Ravin’ Maven Mall). I have many a-vintage/retro hats of all kinds, shapes, colors, & sizes, but these are more my garden variety, workaday hats — of the non-dressy, out-on-the-town-in-play-clothes sort. For the most part, at least. (*** Note: You can click on the photos to enlarge them if they are too small in this format.)

I love snap caps! These are the kind of hats you can have many of, in all different colors & patterns. They simply never get old!

One of my favorite snap caps. This one is probably older than I am! Came out of Ireland. Here I am modeling it, along with my best Mommy Dearest impression. NO MORE WIRE HANGERS!

My summery, neutral, floppy sun hat. It did the job on this sweltering day when we were at the Annual Raleigh Beer Fest!

I love a sweet vintage pillbox with netting. This one is authentically from the 1950s. We were on our way to a 4-course wine tasting dinner Β at San Remo Italian Restaurant that was splendid!

This was deemed my Where’s Waldo skully cap by my friend Anuj. This is my permanent expression in winter. Aren’t I cheery?!

Me & the Mini Maven (when she was mega mini!) on a winter walk down by the river. There’s really never a time that plaid & black patent don’t go together swimmingly.

I think it’s no big secret that I love bold & BIG embellishments, so an elephantine flower with a big jewel centered inside it makes me fancy this basic knit beanie even more. (I also fancy gluten free flatbread pizzas at Bella Monica with my DH!)

I am partial to BRIGHT, chipper colors in lackluster skies. I also prefer conversation time over hot beverages with my babycakes.

And then sometimes I like to go BRIGHT & chipper for no reason whatsoever, other than it’s a reflection of my inner castle in the sky. π

No one on this planet should go without owning a smart fedora. A fedora that is Alice in Wonderland themed = MUCH better! (DH & I at Gen Con in Indianapolis.)

I scathingly abhor this outfit ::keck::, but I do like this hat and now own it. I wear it a lot! Up close, it is pink & white gingham.

Trucker hats are fabu accessories to jeans and t-shirts. This one I especially love because it looks like a train conductor’s hat and I LOVE trains (the sound of them, the most). It was made by VonDutch and given to me by my partner in pink, Tali Whacker. π

YEEHAW! That’s all I’m-a gonna say, Pardner. Many of us know I’ve lassoed myself a Cowboy. π He’s got his spurs in my heart, alright. Yaw!

It’s a shame this is black & white because it was a lovely Easter egg pink. I used to love to wear this while teahouse touring. Here I am at, perhaps, my very favorite teahouse, Tea Leaves & Thyme.
And laaast, but not least…

… lets see if you can figure out WHICH kindergartner is little ole me on Make Your Own Hat Day…
It’s always been an epidemic.
Keep calm & (put a) HAT on, Mavens!
~ Angelika Frangelico *Gros bisous*
*** I find this photo of me deplorable because I was sick as a dog & cold as an eskimo, so every part of my face was swollen & stuffy, but I’m wearing a hat and my DH is sooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo dashing in his scarf! #pant #purr #meow
Love this blog post. I’ve always loved hats, but never thought they looked good on me. Seeing your pictures in the hats allows me to see that they can be placed on the head in a variety of positions. I think I just never knew how to put them on my head! I’ll try it again now. Thanks!
Keep trying ’til you make it work! There are some hats that just don’t look right on me (baseball caps, for example, but I am not unhappy about this because I don’t want to wear them much, anyway :P), then there are others that just suit. Keep experimenting. I believe there HAS to be at least one style of hat out there for everyone’s head. And also, don’t be so hard on yourself — it might just be that you’re not used to seeing yourself in them! Give yourself time to warm up to how you look & feel in one. π